1923 он. Нийслэл Хүрээнд дунд сургуулийн танхим нэртэй үүсэн байгуулагдсан.
1926 он. Дунд ангийг анхны 40 сурагч төгсөж, шилдэг тэргүүний 30 сурагчийг Орос, Герман, Франц улсуудад суралцуулахаар явуулсан.
1933 он. Ардын Хувьсгалын эхний жилүүдэд шинээр байгуулагдсан ЕБС-уудад үлгэр дууриал болсоор ирснийг үнэлж, Засгийн газрын шийдвэрээр “ Үлгэр жишээ дунд сургууль” гэж нэрлэх болсон.
1938 он. Ерөнхий боловсролын бүрэн дунд сургууль болон өргөжүүлсэн байна.
1940 он. Маршал Х.Чойбалсаны санаачлагаар хичээлийн 4 давхар барилга бариулж, ашиглалтанд орсон бөгөөд энэ ондоо Улсын Бага Хурлын тэргүүлэгчдийн тогтоолоор тус сургуулийг “ Маршал Х.Чойбалсангийн нэрэмжит” болгосон байна.
1941 он. Монгол Улсын ЕБС-ийн анхны 10-р ангийн төгсөлт хийсэн нь дээд боловсролтой боловсон хүчнийг дотоод, гадаадад бэлтгэх бүрэн дунд боловсролын бэлтгэлийг хангасан түүхэн үе гэж үздэг.
1963 он. Тухайн үеийн Гэгээрлийн Яамны шийдвэрээр өөрийн орны ЕБС-ийн сургалтын агуулга, арга зүй, сурах бичиг туршин хэрэгжүүлэх үүрэг бүхий Сурган Хүмүүжүүлэх Ухааны Хүрээлэн (хуучин нэрээр)- гийн лаборатори сургууль болж, 1990-ээд оныг хүртэл сургууль, боловсролын хөгжилд ихээхэн үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн юм.
1965 он. Математикийн гүнзгийрүүлсэн сургалттай ангийг анх нээн хичээллүүлсэн бөгөөд энэ талаар ихээхэн амжилт олж, арвин туршлага хуримтлуулан, бусад сургууль, багш нарт үлгэр дууриал болсоор байна.
1971 он. В.И.Лениний мэндэлсний 100 жил, Ардын хувьсгалын 50 жилийн ой угтсан бүх ард түмний социалист уралдаанд улс болон нийслэлд тэргүүн байр эзэлж, 8, 10 жилийн сургуулиудаас анх удаа “ Улсын Тэргүүний Сургууль”-ийн болзолыг ханган биелүүлсэн юм.
1973 он. Монгол Улсын боловсролын хөгжилд оруулсан үнэтэй хувь нэмэр болон тус сургуулийн олон жилийн ажлын үр дүнг үнэлэн, сургууль байгуулагдсных нь 50 жилийн ойгоор “ Хөдөлмөрийн Гавъяаны Улаан тугийн одонгоор” шагнасан байна.
1984 он. Тус сургуулийн пионерийн 1-р бүлгэм ажил, үйлсээрээ хошуучлан, Улсын Тэргүүний Бүлгэмийн болзлыг ханган биелүүлсэн.
1993 он. Нийгмийн их өөрчлөлт, шинэчлэлтийн үзэл санааны нөлөөн дор тус сургуулийн бүтэц, хэв шинжийг өөрчлөх эрэл хайлт хийж, лицей хэв шинжийн ангийг банк-санхүү, анагаах ухаан-химийн чиглэлээр нээн хичээллүүлж эхэлжээ.
1994 он. Математикийн олимпиадын үр өгөөжийг дээшлүүлэхийн тулд уламжлал болон зохиогддог дүүрэг, хотын олимпиадуудыг тус сургуульд ажиллаж байсан, математикийн багш С.Шарав, МУ-ын гавъяат багш С.Цагааны нэрэмжит болгон жил бүр явуулж, улмаар түүнийг дэмжин тэтгэх зорилго бүхий 1-р сургуулийг хөгжүүлэх “С.Цагааны нэрэмжит сан”, С.Шаравын нэрэмжит “Мат-Дэм сан” байгуулан ажиллаж эхэлсэн.
1996 он. Москвагийн Олон улсын Орос хэлний олимпиадаас алтан медаль авсан.
1997 он. Аргентин улсад болсон Олон улсын Математикийн 39 дэх олимпиадаас тус сургуулийн сурагч Ө.Баттулга алтан медалийг анх удаа эх орондоо авч ирсэн нь түүхэн том амжилт болсон юм. Мөн энэ онд Турк улсад болсон Евро-Азийн Олон улсын олимпиадаас тус сургуулийн сурагчид болох Б.Дэмчигсүрэн алтан медаль, Б.Саруул хүрэл медаль хүртсэн байна.
1998 он. Бүх талын ажлын үр дүнгээрээ Нийслэлийн тэргүүний сургуулиар шалгарч, өргөмжлөл хүртсэн байна. Мөн онд Тайваны ОУМО-аас мөнгөн медаль, Москвагийн ОХО-аас алтан медаль хүртжээ.
2000 он. Гэгээрлийн Улсын Хяналтын Албаны шалгалтаар “хангалттай сайн сургууль” гэсэн үнэлгээ авчээ. Мөн онд БНСУ-д болсон ОУМО-аас мөнгөн медаль 1, хүрэл медаль 1-ийг хүртсэн байна.
Our school which is the very first secondary school of modern Mongolia since its foundation in 1923 has remained the biggest school of wisdom and knowledge for hundreds of children of different generations training them and helping them to make choices in their future careers. The school takes rightfully an honored place in the education and cultural history of the country for carrying out first the duties and responsibilities to disseminate and grow the seeds of the world culture and sciences in Mongolia since 1920-ies of the 20th century.
Our school pupils have continuously contributed greatly in social reforms of the country life since the thirties of the past century and we do believe strongly in the fact that it will continue this tradition for many years to come.
The continuous excellent academic performance and skills of our school learners representing different generations, achievements of learners and the school on the whole both at home and abroad and finally its high reputation are truly the outcomes of hard and scrupulous work of the school community and academic staff. And this is our biggest pride. Taking this opportunity we would like to express our deepest gratitude to You , dear reader and we do believe strongly in your future cooperation.
1923 - The school, first secondary school in Mongolia, was establishing on February 16 of the year with a name of a Secondary Education Faculty. The school had 40 students, who finished primary schools of Khuree and Amgalanbaatar, settlement areas of that time.
1926 – Top 30 of the first 40 students were selected to continue their studies in Russia, Germany and France and majority of them later became highly qualified people and distinguished representatives of national intelligentsia in the country.
1933 – The school was extensively attended by children and students from rural areas and became well- known by the population in the country. In the years of the Popular Revolution in Mongolia the school served as a model school and was titled as a Model Secondary School by the decision of the Government.
1938 – A priority was given to train the young generation that would able to acquire higher education based on complete secondary education and the school was reformed as a School for Complete Secondary Education.
1940 – The school faculty was initiated by Marshal Kh. Choibalsan, Chief Commander of Army and Primer Minister, and was named after him by the resolution 60 of the Presidium of State Baga Khural. The school was named after Marshal Choibalsan till 1990.
1941 – First graduation of students from the 10th grade of the school was held and the graduates were able to get their high education domestically and overseas. A new phase started in the history of Mongolian education.
1963 – At the decision of the Ministry of Education the school became a pilot Laboratory School, the main objectives of which were to update and test the curriculum contents, teaching methodologies and text books for overall country’s general educational schools. The objectives were successfully achieved and significant contributions were made to the Mongolian secondary educational development.
1965 – The school curriculum was traditionally accented on teaching Mathematics, one of major subjects in natural sciences taught in secondary schools in the country. Mathematic class with extensive studies was first set up in 1964-1965 academic year. Since then, the class has gained valuable achievements and experiences in teaching and learning the subject and has become a good example / practice for other schools and their teachers in Mongolia. More than 1340 students completed the class from 1967 to 2007 and there are 40 well known scholars. Students of the 10th grade of the school successfully participated in National Olympiads in Mathematics and won 22 out of 43 Olympiads that were held during the aforesaid period.
1971 – The school was selected as the Best State Secondary School among the 8 and 10-year secondary schools in Mongolia from 1971 to 1990. The school took the first place in the nation-wide competition, which was announced on the occasion of 100-year anniversary of Lenin and the 50-year anniversary of the Popular Revolution.
1973 – According to the decision of the Government the school was awarded by the Order of the Red Banner of Labor on the occasion of its 50-year anniversary for remarkable achievements sustained over many years.
1983- The 60th school anniversary was held.
1984 – Students of the school were the first members of the Mongolian Pioneers Organization (now it is Children’s Palace or Children’s NGO), which was established in 1925.
1987 – First computer lab was established
1990 – Beginning of French classes
1991 – Students began to learn the Old Mongolian script
1993 – The 70th school anniversary was held.
As the transition to market economy was taken place in the country, a new approach to modify school management, structure, and curriculum contents and form was designed and used. Curriculums at secondary schools were revised and updated and some special classes i.e. classes of banking, finance, medicine, and chemistry close to college level were set up in order to provide students with basic orientations in their interested fields of sciences.
1994-1995 – District and City Olympiads were traditionally organized at the school. The Olympiads named after S. Sharav, Veteran and Honored Teacher, And S. Tsagaan, Honored Teacher, were organized at the school and they made contributions to the improvement of qualities of training on Mathematics in secondary schools in the country.
1996 – Students of the school have successfully participated in the International foreign language Olympiads since 1980. They won three gold medals at the International Russian Language Olympiads in Moscow.
1997 – A student, Battulga Ulziibat, won gold medal at the 38th International Mathematics Olympiad in Argentina, and students, 2 pupils won gold and bronze medals at the Euro-Asian Mathematic Olympiad in Turkey.
1998 – The school was selected as the best school in the Capital City of Mongolia. A silver medal was received from Taiwan International Mathematics Olympiad and a golden medal from the Moscow International Russian Language Olympiad.
2000 – 2 bronze medals were received from the International Mathematics Olympiad held in South Korea.
The State Inspection Board of MOSTEC evaluated it as a ‘School of Good Performance’.
2001 – 1 silver and 1 bronze medals were received from the International Mathematics Olympiad held in USA, Washington. Successful participation of three pupils in the International Physics Olympiad held in Taiwan and of twelve pupils and one instructor in the junior Handball world cup held in Italy have become truly the historic event in the Lifetime of the school.
2002 - The first secondary school pupil team represented Mongolia in the 43 th International Mathematics Olympiad in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
An Assembly on ‘We can do’ was organized and an address was adopted appealing to all secondary schools.
2003 – The 80th school anniversary was held. The national 38th Mathematics Olympiad was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the school. Ratification on ‘Eternal Entrust’ was conferred upon the school by the newspaper agency ‘Khumuun Bichig’. Certificates of complete secondary education were conferred upon 5509 students out of 9000 pupils of the school in the past 80 years.
The students of the school were awarded 1 silver and 1 bronze medals of the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), held in Tokyo, Japan.
2004 – The students won 2 silver and 2 bronze medals from the IMO, held in Athena, Greece. The school was chosen as the Best School of the Sukhbaatar district.
2005 – The school was selected as one of the 10 Mongolian Schools with Best Management. A student won bronze medal of the International Physics Olympiad.
2006 – A student won silver medal of the International Physics Olympiad.
2007 - The students of the school were awarded 1 golden, 3 silver and 3 bronze medals of the International Mathematics, Physics, and Nature Olympiads.
2008 - The 85th school anniversary was held.
We are proud of our achievements and satisfactory assessments are given by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science to the school.
8000 students graduated from the school in the last academic years and among them there are: 4 Heroes of Labor; 2 People’s Teachers; 4 People’s Artists; 15 State Prize Winners; 11 Honored Teachers; 2 Honored Pilots; 15 Academician ; 30 Sc. D, 160 Ph. D
The school is proud of its graduates and there are a number of distinguished and famous people (D.Bazar, People’s Teacher and Hero of Labor; B.Gunjinlham, Hero of Labor; G.Dambiybazar, Hero of Labor; B.Tumurtogoo, Honored Pilot; G.Batsukh, People’s Teacher; Ch.Dolgorsuren, People’s Artist, State Prize Winner; L.Natsag, E.Oyun, People’s Artists; Ts.Gantumur, twice State Prize Winner; D.Namdag, Ch.Lodoidamba, State Prize Winner, Honored Art Worker O.Urtnasan, State Prize Winner L.Namkhaitseren, L.Ayurzana,S.Zagdaa, G.Luvsandorj, J.Alimaa, D.Selenge, Academician and Honored Scientist B. Chadraa, Academicians Sh.Natsagdorj, Ch.Davaajamts, N.Sodnom, B.Gungaadash, Ts.Baldoo, Ch.Sereeter, Ch.Tseren, B.Gooch, O.Tumurtogoo, D.Gonchig, T.Galbaatar, D.Tumur-Ochir, Honored Teachers Ts.Sharavnyambuu, Sh.Palaan, D.Dash, B.Semjid, S.Bavuu, l.Baljir, U.Sanjmyatav, S.Ishbaljir, S.Handsuren, Honored Art Worker Ch.Zandraa, Ts.Dorjpalam, Honored Culture Worker L.Dagvajamts, S.Dashdendev, Honored Industry Worker N.Togoo, Honored Artist J.Handsuren, Yo.Gombodorj, Honored Construction Worker D.Ulziikhishig, more than 190 Sc.D and Ph.D.
The school is proud also of such graduates as M.Enkhsaikhan, M.Enkhbold, were prime-ministers of Mongolia, E.Bat-Uul, A.Ganbaatar, the politicians who are dedicating their knowledge and efforts to the development of a new democratic society and business people (J.Oyungerel)for their valuable contribution to the country’s economic development. There are many teachers and educators who have devoted their lives and efforts for teaching students at the school, for instance, Ts.Tseveen, people’s Teacher, D. Lyanhua, B. Tserendulam, M.Gombosuren, S. Tsagaan, Z. Tserennadmid, Ts.Bazargochoo, Sh. Zulkhuu, and L.Gavalmaa Honored Teachers.
There are 2160 students in 46 classes, 76 teachers and 20 service workers in the school.
The school has highly qualified teaching staff (e.g. People’s Teacher-1, Honored Teacher-1, Advanced Worker in education sector-28, consultant teacher-16, the most skilled teacher-27, methodologist-15, Master of Sports-3, Advanced Worker in sports and physical culture-2, teachers with Ph. D 2 and with Master’s Degree-26). Today, the school is one of the best secondary school not only within Ulaanbaatar but also throughout the country.
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